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A Tale for Alki - Opening Art Exhibition at the Hellenic American Union-Moments Collective

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

A Tale for Alki - Art Group Exhibition

The Hellenic American Union in collaboration with Metaichmio publications, on Monday September 25, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. Opens the exhibition A Tale For Alki in the framework of the Literary Year of Alki Zei. The exhibition, which has been curated by Irida Kritikou and Nikos Vatopoulos and will last until November 4, 2023, is dedicated to the much-loved author of children and adults and offers a historical and at the same time psychographic view of her dense world.

Through archival and photographic material, original objects and embedded tender tributes from visual artists who grew up with her work, the two curators designed the exhibition specifically for the two exhibition spaces of the Hellenic American Union as a three-dimensional original and unified narrative, in kind collaboration with the publications Metaichmio, but also with the valuable contribution of the author's family.

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

Christina Kalbari: "Memory"

As the two curators characteristically note, the exhibition A Tale for Alki "is a way to get closer to the personality of Alki Zei through niches of her work, through the shadows of her heroes, through the paths of enjoyment that her books gave in children and adults. The exhibition creates atmospheres of the author's personal universe and converses with the gaze of visual artists who are inspired by the pages of her books.

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

Sofia-Rose Kosmidou: "Melia's dream"

»From the much-loved Chaplain of the window or the Great Walk of Peter, who listen, narrate and run through the Greek fate, the disarming Liar Grandpa, to the narration of the autobiography With pencil Faber number two, which is a complete walking and spiritual tribute to Athens of the war and the Civil War, we travel with Alki and are indelibly captivated by her writing.

Through the exhibition A Tale for Alki, in addition to her form, the people she met and loved, the memories of Samos, her charming Athenian wanderings and markings, but also the places she crossed, from Paris to Athens, are highlighted. Moscow and Tashkent. A long river unfolds here, uniting in its bed in a unique way the real and the fictional. The real life of Alki Zei which looked like a fairy tale and which became a tale".

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

Marina Stellatou: "Alki in Venice, 1953"

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

Moments Collective Annual International Competition 2024


Cover Photo: @Stelios Valsamidis

A Tale for Alki -Group art exhibition at Hellenic American Union

Artists Participation:

Io Aggeli, Dafni Aggelidou, Yiannis Adamakis, Artemis Alkalai, Katia Varvaki, Marina Vlahaki, Marilitsa Vlahaki, Irini Vogiatzi, Kiki Voulgareli, Andreas Georgiadis, Stratigoula Giannikopoulou, Maria Diakodimitriou, Sofia Zaraboukas, Apostolis Itskoudis, Christina Kalbari, Minas Kambitakis, Sofia-Rose Kosmidou, Kyriakos Krokos, Vassilis Liaouris, Cleo Makris, Lydia Margaroni, Minas Mavrikakis, Manos Batzolis, Thomas Bertolis, Georgia Bliatsou, Ismini Bonatsou, Rouli Boua, Mary Dayada, Vasiliki Pantazi, Gevso Papadakis, Christos Papadakis, Rania Ragou, George Saltaferos, Marina Stellatou, Katerina Tsebeli, Virginia Philippoussi, Athena Hatzi, Artemis Hatzigiannakis

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση

Alki Hatzigiannakis: "The Liberation of Athens"

Exhibition opening: Monday 25 September 2023, 19:00

Exposure Time: September 25-November 4, 2023 Hellenic-American Union Gallery (Massalias 22, Athens) Monday-Friday: 12:00-20:00, Saturday: 10:00-14:00, Sunday closed

Entrance: Free entrance

Information: Address of the Greek-American Cultural Association: 2103680052,

HAU Cultural Director: Lila Manioti

HAU Cultural Manager: Ariana Efthymiades

The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of parallel events and guided tours for schools and adults. The program of events will be announced soon. If you are a teacher and are interested in taking your students on a tour of the exhibition, you can contact the Cultural Department ,2103680972, from Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:00.

The Moments Collective Team @2023 International Art Press

 Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση



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