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''In the wake of Aphrodite'' Navigating, Swimming, Drawing Group Exhibition, at the Hellenic American Union-Moments Collective
The Hellenic American Union , in collaboration with the French Institute of Greece , the A thens School of Fine Arts (ASFA) , the...

Epiphany Celebration in Greece: A Dive into Tradition and Spirituality-Moments Collective Official Members (Photos)
Moments Collective Greek Community meeting,at Epiphany Floisvos Greece Celebration 2024 Moments Collective Meetings Coordinator @Fay...

A Tale for Alki - Opening Art Exhibition at the Hellenic American Union-Moments Collective
Ένα Παραμύθι για την Άλκη - Εγκαίνια εικαστικής έκθεσης στην Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση -Moments Collective

Exhibition "Alone in a Crowd" at the Hellenic American Union,Massalias 22,Athens Greece
@Hellenic American Union The Hellenic American Union presents the group art exhibition Alone in a Crowd curated by art critic Andrea...
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